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Introduce a friend to Champion Consulting
and you get one full

"Refer a friend - get a free month!"

We value our loyal customers that refer their friends and associates to our services. When a new customer signs up for a web account and mentions that they were referred by a current customer, that customer will receive a referral bonus. It is our way of saying thanks to our satisfied customers.

Here is how it works: when a new customer signs up, they must specify who referred them. When the new customer makes their payment on their initial invoice, a bonus is made to the referring customer.

The amount of the bonus equals 100% of the monthly charge of the new customer. We will credit the bonus to the referring customer's account.

Example: suppose you refer a friend to us and they establish a domain account ($20/month). You will receive a credit of $20 off your next invoice. It's as simple as that.

There are a few simple rules which are designed to prevent abuse of this program.

  • The new customer must name a referring customer when they open the account. They cannot claim a referral afterwards.
  • Only the basic monthly fee is used in calculating the referral bonus, additional charges for extra resource usage (traffic, disk, etc...) are not included. The advertised full price of the basic monthly fee is used to calculate the bonus.
  • The bonus amounts are subtracted from the referring customer's subsequent invoice. These bonuses are applied only against balances, and are not available to be refunded to the customer.
  • Bonuses are only given to customers in good standing.
  • The new customer must stay with us a minimum of three months, and have paid up their invoices.
  • You cannot refer yourself.

    Please contact us, if you have further questions about this program. And, thanks in advance for spreading the word.


    How To Refer a Friend:

    1. To refer a friend, just complete our form, or if they wish to join us by phone or in-person. Have your friend(s) call 1-860-888-8079 to open their account. Make sure that they give your username at the time they sign up.

    People you refer must tell the sales representative or enter your username during the registration process in order for your account to be properly credited for the free month -- be sure that they know your username.

    2. When a new member registers and names you as the referrer, you'll be sent a confirmation email. If there was a problem with the username, the new member will be notified of the error and requested to send an email to clarify who the referrer was.

    3. Once the new referral has been a paying member for 60-days, a credit is applied by eliminating or reducing the charge to your credit card (or debiting your account) for the next billing cycle.

    There are some rules.

    Fortunately the rules for the Champion Access Referral Program are few and simple. They are:

    1. Only one person can be credited for the referral of a new member.

    2. The credit value is equal to one month of service and can only be applied to Champion Access Monthly Accounts.

    3. Once a name is given for the referral, it cannot be changed at a later date. Members or employees of our Champion Access Partnership programs cannot participate.

    Referral Program Assistance:
    If you think that there are some referrals that you have not received a confirmation email or credits for, please send us an e-mail at

    If you want to know when the free month was applied, send us an e-mail and we will get back to you right away.

    (last revised on Monday June 27, 2021)


    Champion Consulting - Your Window to the World!

    Champion Consulting, LLC
    Hatchetts Hill Road
    Old Lyme, Connecticut 06371

    Champion Consulting - Your Window to the World!

    Champion Consulting is the world's best hosting provider. With clients in over 180 countries, every brand is dedicated to offering excellent reliable hosting backed by friendly expert technical support, since 1995.

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