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Domain Registration

Register your domain today for just $15.95 per year. Click here

TLD Price/Year Min. Years
.com $15.95
.net $15.95
.org $15.95
.us $15.95
.info $15.95
.biz $15.95
1 $15.95
2 $15.95

To login to manage your domain, click here.

Did you know that current ICANN regulations require that your Private contact information (WhoIs Info) be included in a publicly accessible Database?

This means that your private information is displayed and made available to anyone who wants to see it, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Now you can protect your private WhoIs information by switching your "public" domain registration to a "private" unlisted registration through a ID Protect.

Domain ID Protect

What is ID Protect?

ID Protect shields your personal information listed in the WhoIs record from spam, identity theft, data miners, name hijackers, and more by changing your public information to a private unlisted registration.

How does it shield your information?

Your private contact information is not exposed. It is held in confidentiality and protected by the Domain Privacy Protection Service. Their contact information is displayed in place of yours to provide you with the highest level of protection against spammers and identity theft.

You remain in complete control

You retain full legal ownership and control over your domain name. You can sell, renew, transfer and change settings to your domain name just the same as before.

Protect your privacy with ID Protect. ONLY $8.00/yr (per domain)

Web Hosting

Champion Consulting - Your Window to the World!

Champion Consulting, LLC
Hatchetts Hill Road
Old Lyme, Connecticut 06371

Champion Consulting - Your Window to the World!

Champion Consulting is the world's best hosting provider. With clients in over 180 countries, every brand is dedicated to offering excellent reliable hosting backed by friendly expert technical support, since 1995.

Datacenters 4 / Brands 4 / Websites 1M+ / Customers 100K+